Monday, August 25, 2014


A. Benefits of Neem Oil for Hair:
1. Healthy Hair: Weekly application of Neem oil can result in healthier scalp and healthy hair. Massage the oil well into the scalp and leave it overnight or apply it prior to washing. When using Neem oil, dilute it with some other carrier oils like almond oil or coconut oil as Neem is a very strong oil and has a strong smell which people with sensitive noses might find difficult to tolerate. Apart from the odor, the concentrated nature of Neem oil may cause reactions to people with sensitive skin.

2. Dandruff Treatment: Neem oil is a natural cure for dandruff and dry scalp.  Many dandruff shampoos utilize Neem oil and regular usage can prevent dandruff from forming. Neem shampoo is the most convenient way to prevent other scalp ailments like itchy scalp and psoriasis. Regular application of the oil can also help to resolve thinning issue as the oil promotes hair growth and strengthens hair from the roots.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Natural Tips For A Dull-Looking Hair


 Dull hair may be due to:
  • excessive washing of the hair, thereby stripping the hair of its natural shine or washing the hair with hot water can result in a dull-looking hair;
  • chemical damage from harsh hair products;
  • excessive heat styling damage;
  • improper styling techniques;
  • environmental soils and stresses;

Fortunately, there are a lot of tricks and tips to make the hair look shiny again. Here are some simple ways to make your hair look shinier:

 Honey and lemon treatment for hair:

Add half lemon juice to a small bowl of honey, stir it well and then apply it to hair. Slowly start to massage scalp for 5 minutes and then leave hair for 15 minutes. Now, rinse your hair with water. Lemon extracts help to clean the oils and dandruff while honey moisturizes hair making it soft and shiny. Use this hair treatment once a week for getting glowing and radiant hair.