Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Cold, Headaches, Indigestion And Flu Naturally

Simple Peppermint Tea

  • 1 palmful organic mint leaves, roughly chopped;
  • Hot Water;
Pour hot water into a mug containing the leaves, steep until desired strength, and sweeten with honey and add lemon if desired.

Ginger Root

It helps with digestive issues and tummy troubles, making it great for the queasy stomach. Ginger is also sometimes used for pain management, so it’s great for easy headache relief.

Fresh Ginger Root Tea
  • 1 small hunk organic ginger root, peeled and finely grated;
  • Hot Water;
Pour hot water over the grated ginger and let steep for 5 to 8 minutes, sip slowly.

Real Raw Honey

Raw honey is fantastic for colds as it soothes coughs, is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, and helps with digestion.

Soothing Throat Therapy:
  • 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil;
  • 2 tablespoons raw honey; 
  • 1 teaspoon organic ground cinnamon;
Mix raw honey with coconut oil, ground cinnamon (to also help sooth the throat), until a paste forms. Eat the goodness throughout the day and soothe the throat!

Give Lemon a Squeeze

They are great for detoxing the body, are packed with vitamin C, is great for digestion, and for fighting off colds and the flu.
Squeeze some juice and add some lemon slices to water; or make homemade lemonade sweetened with honey.

Homemade Single-Serving Lemonade
  • 2-3 tablespoons raw honey (or more to taste);
  • 2 organic lemon juice, freshly squeezed;
  • Warm water to dilute;
  • Lemon Slices;
Whisk lemon juice and honey together until well incorporated. Dilute with warm water to taste and add  lemon. Sip up!

Epsom Salt Bath to Soak the Sickness Away

Bathes are not only relaxing during illness, but Epsom Salt Bathes can be really beneficial as they detox the body, improves circulation, reduces stress, and also relieve inflammation.

 Pour 2 to 3 cups of Epsom salt into hot water, and soak for 12 to 15 minutes. You can buy Epsom salt at grocery stores and drug stores. You can bathe in Epsom salt 3 to 4 times a week.

 N.B: When the salt is placed in water, it begins a chemical process of trying to revert back to its original state, with carbon. Here is where the magic happens. The human body excretes waste as carbon. So when you are bathing in Epsom salt, the salt is pulling out toxins in order to gain its carbon back, which was removed during its creation. You loose toxins, and the Epsom salt gains its carbon back.

Essential Oils

I have found essential oils to be a potent natural headache remedy. I like to start with a drop of lavender essential oil messaged into each temple. That is usually enough for a mild headache, but for a more severe headache, I usually add a drop of peppermint over the lavender and it works wonders.

Acupressure Massage

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing method that works by applying pressure to various spots on your body to alleviate pain. You can put your finger in the space between your first and second toe and firmly press for 3-5 minutes. Or you can press on the area between your thumb and forefinger.

Drink Your Cayenne

Cayenne is proven to treat pain and inflammation thanks to capsaicin, which inhibits our bodies’ ability to feel pain. Mix ¼ teaspoon of cayenne powder into 4 ounces of warm, filtered water. Stir the mixture well with a Q-tip(cotton ball) and once the Q-tip is saturated, swab the inside of your nostrils until you feel the fire.

Apple Cider Vinegar Steam

One of the many uses of apple cider vinegar is to help alleviate headaches. Pour about 3 cups of boiling water into a large bowl, then add ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar. Put a towel over your head while you have your head over the bowl. Deeply inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. Then sit down and relax.

Peace & Quiet:

It seems intuitive, but if you’re suffering from a headache or migraine, it’s best if you can fine a dark, quiet location to relax. Lay down, close your eyes and just focus on your breath for at least 30 minutes.


This herb has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments, including headaches. You can purchase Fever-few capsules to keep on hand for when a headache comes on.


Herbalists have used Butter-bur to treat headaches for centuries. It supports healthy blood flow to the brain and can alleviate headaches and migraines.
These are just a few of the many natural remedies that you can try the next time you experience a migraine or headache.

Honey-Lemon-Ginger Tea:

Natural Cold and Flu Remedies Round Up - www.ohlardy.comHoney-Lemon-Ginger ‘Tea’:

This is deliciously soothing as a tea with hot water.
In addition to the benefits of raw honey mentioned above, raw honey is also very soothing for the throat and if the honey is local can be helpful for seasonal allergies.
Ginger is very helpful for stomach upset as well as boosts the immune system and protects against bacteria and virus.
Lemons are high in vitamin C and phytonutrients and are anti-bacterial.
Ingredients and Method (16 ounce jar)
  • Fill a jar with sliced organic lemons.
  • Add approximately 2-4 tbsp chopped fresh ginger.
  • Fill the jar with raw honey.
  • Store in refrigerator.
  • Scoop 1-3 tbsp into hot water and drink like a tea.

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