Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips

1.) Almond Oil: In the evening, before going  to bed, after washing your face and lips with a soft towel to remove the dead cells. Then apply a few drops of pure almond oil on them and leave it overnight. The lips will become soft and lighter in color over a period of time.

2.) Lemon or Lime juice: You must have heard how lemon juice works really well in giving a lighter complexion to your skin. In the similar way, it works on your lips and gives them a great complexion. Moreover, lemon is a great source of Vitamin C, which is good for all kinds of skin issues. Simply rub a few drops of lemon juice on your lips everyday, and it will help you lighten your lip-color. For best results, use it before going to bed and wash your lips in the morning.

3.) Exfoliating your lips: Use three (3) tablespoons of granulated sugar and two tablespoons of butter to create a thick paste. Rub this on your lips once a week to restore your natural lip color or shine.

4.) Lemon-Honey Serum: Mix equal parts of lemon juice and honey to make your tan removing lip serum. This works on lips to peel off the tan with citrus extracts and nourish with honey to add pink color to the lips. Coat your lips with this serum and leave for an hour before wiping off with soft wet cloth. This process can be done as many times a day to remove tan and pigmentation. This serum can be refrigerated and used for a week.

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